شماره |
عنوان کتاب |
نویسنده / مترجم |
انتشارات |
001 |
خواب و اختلالات آن در کودکان |
دکتر شبنم جلیل القدر |
دانشگاه علوم پزشکی و خدمات بهداشتی درمانی قزوین |
002 |
Schwartz's Principles of Surgery (10th Ed) |
F.Charles Brunicardi |
MC Graw Hill Education |
003 |
Teaching Atlas of Pediatric Imaging |
Paul S. Babyn |
Thieme |
004 |
Pediatric Imaging (Case Review Series, 2nd Ed) |
Thierry Huisman |
MOSBY Elsevier |
005 |
Physiology an Illustrated Review |
Roger TannerThies |
Thieme |
006 |
A Practical Guide for Medical Teachers (4th Ed) |
John A. Dent
Ronald M. Harden |
Churchill Livingstone Elsevier |
007 |
Pediatric Endocrinology (2nd Ed) |
Nalini Shah
Sudha Rao |
008 |
Atlas of Pediatric Infectious Diseases |
A Parthasarathy |
009 |
FAQs in Pediatric Infectious Diseases |
Ritabrata Kundu
Digant D Shastri |
010 |
Recent Advances in Pediatrics |
Suraj Gupte |
011 |
Research in Clinical Practice |
Daron Smith
Dan Wood |
Springer |
012 |
Avery's Diseases of the Newborn (9th Ed) |
Gleason Devaskar |
Elsevier Saunders |
013 |
Clinical Anatomy by Regions (9th Ed) |
Richard S. Shell |
Lippincott Williams & Wikins |
014 |
Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics (7th Ed) |
Karen J. Marcdante
Robert M. Kligman |
Elsevier Saunders |
015 |
Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination |
Linda Anne Silvestri |
Elsevier Saunders |
016 |
Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (20th Ed) |
Robert M Kliegman |
Elsevier Saunders |
017 |
Studying a Study & Testing a Test (6th Ed) |
Richard K. Riegelman |
Lippincott Williams & Wikins |
018 |
Modern Epidemiology (3rd Ed) |
Kenneth J. Rothman
Sunder Greenland
Timothy L. Lash |
Lippincott Williams & Wikins |